Every year, around 20,000 young people transition out of foster care. The primary source of health coverage for this population is Medicaid, and since continuity of health coverage is crucial, continue reading for helpful information you can use when working with Former Foster Care Children (FFCC).
Changes to the Former Foster Care Children Medicaid Policy
Under federal law, Medicaid provides coverage for qualifying youth who age out of foster care until they reach age 26, under the mandatory FFCC eligibility group.
Until recently, to be considered eligible for the FFCC eligibility category, individuals had to meet all of the following criteria:
- Are under age 26;
- Are not eligible for or enrolled in another mandatory eligibility group;
- Were in foster care in the state in which the individual is seeking Medicaid eligibility upon attaining age 18 (or higher as the state has elected in its title IV-E plan); and
- Were enrolled in Medicaid in such state while in foster care.
However, updates to these criteria, effective January 2, 2023, expand the ability for FFCC to obtain Medicaid coverage. Individuals now must have been in foster care in any state upon attaining age 18 (or higher as the state has elected in its title IV-E plan) as well as have been enrolled in Medicaid in any state while in such foster care.
View a CMS resource with more information about these updates here.