The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued an interim final rule establishing vaccine-related coverage provisions for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and private insurance. The new interim final rule, published Nov. 6 in the Federal Register, states that providers can receive free vaccines from the federal government but will be prohibited from charging consumers for the administration. Under Medicare there would be no cost-sharing for COVID-19 vaccines. For individuals without health coverage, providers can be reimbursed through HRSA’s COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement Program. NACHC believes vaccine administration requirements could present costs to health centers and that state Maintenance of Effort requirements could adversely impact FQHC reimbursements and will be submitting comments. NACHC has written this memo in response to the rule. CMS issued toolkits aimed at State Medicaid Agencies, providers who will administer the vaccine and health insurance plans. The deadline for comments on the rule is Jan. 4, 2021.