The Rural Health Value team has released a revised Value-Based Care Strategic Planning Tool (VBC Tool). The web-based tool is designed for rural health care leaders to assess organizational capacities or capabilities (e.g., resources, processes, infrastructure) to deliver value-based care as part of their strategic planning process. Upon completion of the on-line tool, a report is provided that can be used to support strategic planning and prioritize action plans that are responsive to a changing health care payment and delivery environment. Supplemental resources, including an action planning tool and a brief guide to assist leaders in preparing their organization for value-based care are also available.
Value-Based Care Assessment Tool (updated December 2021)
This online tool helps the organization assess readiness for the shift of healthcare payments from volume to value. The resulting report may be used to guide the development of action plans. Supplemental resources, including an action planning tool and a brief guide to assist leaders in preparing their organization for value-based care are also available.
Link: Value-Based Care Assessment Tool | (