The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to receive reports of new cases of mpox, indicating ongoing community transmission in the United States. On May 15, the CDC released a Health Alert Network (HAN) noting that a cluster of 12 mpox cases was identified in Chicago between April 17 and May 5, 2023. Travel history for nine cases was available and four individuals recently traveled to New York City, New Orleans, and Mexico. The CDC expects new breakthrough cases to occur and warns that spring and summer 2023 could lead to a resurgence of mpox as people gather for festivals and other events. On May 17, the PA Department of Health (DOH) released PA HAN 695 with additional information for providers on when to consider testing for mpox as well as treatment and vaccination information. For more information on clinical evaluation, treatment, vaccination, or testing, please refer to the HAN or reach out to Erin Babe, PACHC Public Health Program Specialist.