Pennsylvania Health Department Issues Various COVID-19 Health Alerts and Advisories

The Pennsylvania Department of Health issued the following Health Alerts this week related to the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • 2020 – PAHAN – 506 – 05-11-ALT: A pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, recently reported by authorities in the United Kingdom, is also being observed among children and young adults in New York City and elsewhere in the United States.
  • 2020 – PAHAN – 507 – 05-11-ALT: As buildings have been shut down or used less frequently, building water quality degradation becomes a silent but serious issue. Legionella and other pathogens, lead, disinfection byproducts, and other health issues can result when water sits for an extended period. This alert provides various steps and recommendations to take in preparation for reopening.
  • 2020 – PAHAN – 508 – 5-12-ADV: Test-based strategies for preventing transmission of COVID-19 in skilled nursing facilities.

Visit the DOH 2020 Health Alerts, Advisories and Updates website for the most recent information.