Rural Health Clinic CY 2025 All-Inclusive Rate

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) updated the Rural Health Clinic (RHC) all-inclusive rate for calendar year (CY) 2025. The payment limit per visit for independent and provider-based RHCs in hospitals with 50 or more beds is $152.00. The payment limit per visit for specified provider-based RHCs, with an April 1, 2021 established payment limit, that continue to meet the qualifications in section 1833(f)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act is the greater of these amounts: 1) Your payment limit per visit starting January 1, 2024, increased by 3.5 percent; 2) The national statutory CY 2025 payment limit per visit of $152.00. For more information see the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 9, section 20.2 and Instruction to your Medicare Administrative Contractor.

CMS Seeking Input to Protect Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers 

 – Comment by February 17.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is soliciting comments to inform future decision-making regarding how the agency can best protect Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs) and Medicare beneficiaries. MBIs have been targeted by individuals seeking to commit Medicare fraud, including the use of MBI lookup tools to commit MBI theft. CMS is seeking input and information related to the following topic areas:

  • Organizations that operate an externally-controlled MBI lookup tool;
  • Users of MBI lookup tools, both CMS-operated and externally-controlled;
  • Potential benefit or impact of prohibiting or restricting externally-controlled MBI lookup tools;
  • Safeguards or best practices from inside or outside healthcare that CMS should consider for preventing MBI theft and misuse.

Visit the link in the headline for more information and the full list of questions.  To provide comments, fill out and submit the survey by Monday, February 17.

Utilization of Inpatient and Emergency Services by Rural and Urban Medicaid Enrollees

Researchers from the North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center focused on inpatient and emergency department health care utilization.  Among the key findings: non-Hispanic Black enrollees had the highest utilization rates compared to enrollees that were non-Hispanic White, and Hispanic of any race. Hispanic enrollees of any race had the lowest utilization rates. Utilization was lowest in Isolated Rural areas, and often highest in Large Rural areas.

New Funding: HRSA Black Lung Clinics Program

– Apply by February 11, 2025.  FORHP’s Community Based Division will make up to 15 awards to support clinics in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with occupation related coal mine dust lung disease through the provision of quality medical, outreach, educational, and benefits counseling services for active, inactive, retired, and disabled coal miners. FORHP will hold a technical assistance webinar for applicants  on Thursday, December 19 at 1:00 pm Eastern.  A separate opportunity, HRSA’s Black Lung Data and Resource Center Program, also has a February 11 deadline and will award one cooperative agreement to strengthen the operations of Black Lung Clinics Program grantees with data collection and analysis. A webinar for Data and Resource Center applicants will be held  December 18 at 1:00 pm Eastern. If you were not able to join the webinars, you can request a recording by emailing

Application Now Open for Rural Community Hospitals to Participate in Demonstration Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is accepting new applications for the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration. The demonstration tests cost-based reimbursement for Medicare inpatient services for small rural hospitals with fewer than 51 beds that are not eligible to be Critical Access Hospitals.

As part of a broader rural strategy initiative, CMS hosted a Rural Health Hackathon in August 2024 to collaboratively produce creative, actionable ideas to address health care challenges facing rural communities. This Request for Applications (RFA) is one effort to help address these challenges.

The RFA opens today, December 20, and the application is available on Rural Community Hospital Demonstration webpage. Hospitals interested must apply by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on March 1, 2025. Hospitals currently participating in the demonstration do not need to complete a new application.

For the latest information on the demonstration, visit the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration webpage.

If you have questions about the demonstration, please email

The Role of Relaxed Telehealth Policy on Health Equity in Telehealth Utilization and Outcomes During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: A Living Systematic Review

The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) led to some of the most sweeping changes in telehealth policy, use, and research in recent history. These changes provided natural experiments that enabled research groups to study the implications of telehealth use on access to care, patient experiences, provider experiences, clinical outcomes, and cost, specifically during the PHE. Some of these studies included analyses or sub-aims focused on health equity. While other systematic reviews focusing on telehealth related to policy changes during the PHE have been conducted, most of those systematic reviews have not focused on the ways in which telehealth ameliorated health disparities.

In 2022, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Office for the Advancement of Telehealth funded a project to conduct living systematic reviews (LSRs) to describe the current evidence measuring the association between telehealth use during the COVID-19 PHE and health equity. To conduct LSRs focused on health equity, we convened an Expert Panel to select the specific questions that we would include in our formal systematic review searches. We conducted three systematic reviews, and we planned both a primary search and a secondary (“living”) follow-up search. Methods and findings are discussed in this brief.

Please click here to read the brief.

Rural Telehealth Research Center, University of Iowa, 200 Hawkins Drive, 1008 RCP, Iowa City, IA 52242

Report on the State of the Primary Care Workforce Released

HRSA’s National Center for Health Workforce Analysis collects data, conducts research, and generates information to inform and support public- and private-sector decision making. This brief, State of the Primary Care Workforce, 2024, examines the supply of physicians, physician assistants (PA), and nurse practitioners (NP) practicing in primary care specialties (family medicine, general pediatric medicine, general internal medicine, and geriatric medicine).

While rural areas generally have lower primary care physician ratios than urban areas, the data show that NPs and PAs are important in providing primary care in rural areas. Approximately half of PAs were interested in practicing in rural locations (44%), Medically Underserved Areas (58%), or Health Professional Shortage Areas (54%).

New Health Workforce Projections Data Available

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recently released the latest projections for the national supply, demand, and distribution of health care workers. Use the Workforce Projections Dashboard to explore supply and demand trends by occupation, state, year, and more. Additionally, check out Health Workforce Projections for an overview of projections for different groups of workers, such as nurses and physicians, and details on our programs that seek to address future shortages.