New Oral Health During Pregnancy Resource from OHRC

The Oral Health Resource Center (OHRC) recently released “Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities.” This is the seventh in a series of updates to highlight national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update includes briefs, guides, handouts, reports, toolkits, and trainings for health professionals and consumers. Read more here.

Veteran Affairs Announces Dental Care Proposal

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it has submitted to Congress a waiver request and pilot program under Section 152 of the VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (MISSION Act) to improve access to dental care for veterans. Read more here.

The United States Prosperity Index 2019

This resource assesses the economic, institutional, and social aspects of prosperity across the United States over the past decade. It features state-by-state breakdown of prosperity increases and decreases, and it examines 11 pillars of prosperity, made up of 48 different elements, measured by over 200 state-level indicators. It includes rural broadband access information for some states. Learn more here.

Rural Emergency Medical Services Integration

This resource outlines tools and strategies for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to use when integrating with other healthcare providers. It discusses approaches to the integration of medical direction, medical protocols, quality reviews, training and continuing education, and operations, among other topics. Read more here.

Performance Management/Program Evaluation Guide: Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program

This resource offers guidance to state Flex program coordinators to incorporate performance management and evaluation into Flex program operations as required by the Flex Program Cooperative Agreement. It supports the state’s capacity for assessing program activities, making improvements, and establishing if activities are effective. It also defines key terms and concepts, discusses reporting requirements, demonstrates a performance year work plan, covers data collection, and provides examples of goals and measures to be included in the evaluation plan. Read more here.

Medicare Advantage 2020 Spotlight

This resource is an overview of Medicare Advantage plans available in 2020 and changes since 2019. It features statistics including the number of plans available from 2010-2020 and percent of Medicare beneficiaries having access to Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), local Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and regional PPOs, with breakdowns by metro and nonmetro counties, and a county-level map showing numbers of plans available in 2020. Read more here.

Geographic disparities associated with travel to medical care and attendance in programs to prevent/manage chronic illness among middle-aged and older adults in Texas

This report examines the relationship of rural and urban middle-aged and older adults with one or more chronic conditions who travel long distances to receive medical care, and their utilization of programs focused on prevention and chronic disease management. Participants from 9 counties in central Texas responded to health assessment surveys regarding their number of doctor’s visits within the previous year, distance to receive medical care, residential status, and other personal characteristics. Read more here.