Help shape the future of the Marketplace Quality Rating System (QRS) and Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Enrollee Experience Survey

Comments due March 28

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requests comment on proposed refinements to the QRS and QHP Enrollee Survey to advance health equity. These programs are part of the Marketplace Quality Initiative, which provides information to help individuals and small businesses select Marketplace health plans.  According to the RUPRI Health Insurance Chartbook, the number of Marketplace plans available in rural areas has grown in recent years and has become an important source of health coverage for rural residents.  Submit comments to and reference “Marketplace Quality Initiatives (MQI)-Draft 2024 QRS Call Letter” in the subject line.

Read the full article here.

New Report Assesses Impact of CMS Quality Programs

The report from the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) analyzes the performance of nearly 500 quality measures used in CMS’s quality and value-based incentive payment programs.  It provides patients and families, clinicians, measure developers, federal partners, and researchers with updates on progress toward reducing disparities across the measure portfolios. For example, rural/urban disparities were most often detected in quality measures addressing Wellness and Prevention and Chronic Conditions; however, several measures of Person-Centered Care no longer show rural/urban disparities.  Findings from focus groups underscore the need to develop measures that address bias in care delivery, deficits in cultural competence, and social drivers of health relative to unmet health needs, poor access, and low health literacy.

View the full report here.

View the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Webinar Recording

RHIhub posted a recording of the hour-long webinar from February 27 where experts from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reviewed rural-relevant policy updates from the Calendar Year 2024 Physician Fee Schedule final rule.  The new rule makes policy updates that may increase accessibility of behavioral health services, telehealth services, and other vital health services in rural areas. Presentation materials, video recording, and audio recording are also now available.  Additional documents from CMS that may be helpful in understanding these updates:

View here.

ASPE Brief Projects the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act for Rural Medicare Enrollees

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Analysis (ASPE) released a new brief that highlights the potential impacts of the newly implemented Medicare prescription drug (Part D) policies authorized in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Signed into law in 2022, the IRA aims to strengthen the Medicare program by providing meaningful financial relief for beneficiaries and improving access to affordable treatments. Benefits of the IRA policies for Medicare include opportunities for CMS to negotiate Medicare drug prices, a requirement that drug companies pay inflation rebates, changes in Part B drugs, and a redesigned prescription drug program that expands eligibility for full Part D low-income subsidy (LIS) benefits to individuals between 130 and 150 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL), also known as partial LIS subsidy. About 23 percent of partial LIS enrollees live in rural areas, which is higher than the share of Part D (non-LIS) enrollees who live in rural areas (15 percent).  ASPE estimates all LIS enrollees could experience a reduction of $300 in average annual out of pocket costs for Part D covered medications. With rural, non-LIS Part D enrollees are estimated to see more than $1,000 savings in out-of-pocket Part D costs in 2024 and $2,450 in 2025.

Read more here.

Pennsylvania to Receive More Than $1 Billion to Close Digital Divide

Pennsylvania is set to receive $1.16 billion in federal funding to increase access to high-speed internet connectivity for individuals, businesses, schools, and hospitals. To direct the funding, the federal government released the Federal Communications Commission’s map, which indicates areas with and without high-speed internet connectivity. Residents may challenge areas of the map that identify incorrect broadband service access/availability. To date, Pennsylvania had the third highest number of successful challenges in the country. While funding was predicated on the map released by the FCC, residents may still view and challenge the map should the information be incorrect. Residents can view the statewide broadband map and learn more about challenging any location in Pennsylvania here.

Court to Hear Affordable Care Act Preventive Mandate Appeal Case

The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments regarding a lawsuit, Braidwood v. Becerra, which stipulates that the preventative care mandate of the Affordable Care Act violated the religious beliefs of plaintiff Braidwood Management as well as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The lawsuit was initially filed four years ago in a Texas federal court and maintains that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which implemented the mandate, was unconstitutional because its members were not appointed by the President or confirmed by the Senate. The Fifth Circuit is expected to release a decision within the next few months. Read More.

New Oral Health Collaboration Targets School Nurses

PCOH is excited to announce a new partnership with Certified School Nurses and the PA Association of School Nurses and Practitioners (PASNAP). This partnership will help to educate students, families, and school professionals about the importance of oral health, including the role of community water fluoridation. By collaborating with these dedicated professionals, we will be able to provide communities with knowledge and resources to support optimal oral health for all.

To learn more about PASNAP, click here.

HRSA Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Tackles Youth Mental Health Crisis, Maternity Care Deserts, Gaps in Access to Primary Care

The President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget proposal for the Health Resources and Services Administration addresses many of the most pressing health care challenges facing American families, including taking action on:

Youth mental health crisis: Recent data highlights the disturbing trends in youth mental health including nearly one-third of youth reporting experiencing poor mental health and 1 in 5 students reporting seriously considering attempting suicide. To respond to this moment, we need to make mental health and substance use disorder treatment readily available. The keys to increasing access to care are growing the behavioral health workforce and better supporting primary care providers in meeting behavioral health needs. We also need to build supports for young people among those they trust, which is often their peers.

The President’s Budget invests in:

  • Training 12,000 new behavioral health providers to expand access to behavioral health treatment and services across the country.
  • Creating an innovative new youth peer-to-peer mental health support and career pathway program to train youth and young adults to support one another’s mental health needs while building an early behavioral health career pathway program for youth peers.
  • Supporting mental health training and support for pediatricians where pediatricians can directly access tele-consultation with psychiatrists and other mental health clinicians to support the mental health needs of their young patients and training.
  • Making mental health and substance use disorder a required service in community health centers that are the primary source of health care services, regardless of ability to pay, to more than 30 million people—including more than 8.5 million children—in some of the highest need urban and rural communities across the country.

Maternity Care Deserts: More than eight million women of childbearing age live in counties that lack a hospital with labor and delivery services. The March of Dimes estimates that nearly 150,000 babies a year are born in “maternity care deserts” that lack a hospital or birth center providing obstetric care and lack obstetricians or midwives. Well-trained health care providers are essential to improving health outcomes, identifying and addressing pregnancy-related complications, protecting women’s health, and ensuring every birth provides the best opportunity for a strong start.

The President’s Budget invests in:

  • Building obstetric capacity in maternity care deserts to respond to obstetric-related emergencies in rural, urban, and suburban areas without ready access to labor and delivery services.
  • Training more Labor and Delivery Nurses and Certified Nurse Midwives to increase access to maternal and perinatal health care, particularly in rural and underserved communities.
  • Building a community-based doula workforce to support pregnant individuals and ensure their voices are heard and needs are met.
  • Expanding access to maternal mental health support to respond to maternal depression and increase access through the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at 1-833-TLC-MAMA.

Closing gaps in access to primary care: Delayed care is often the result of barriers such as lack of primary care and behavioral health providers located in many rural or underserved communities, workforce challenges across the health care system, and lack of access to transportation, limited appointment availability, and limited operating hours for patients who require care outside of standard working hours. In 2020, 46 percent of households surveyed nationwide reported negative health consequences as a result of not being able to get an appointment when they needed it.

The President’s Budget invests in:

  • A plan to create a pathway to double the federal investment in the community health center program to ensure that it can reach over 37 million people in need of and struggling to access primary care.
  • Expanding health center street medicine services to ensure people experiencing homelessness have access to primary care.
  • Expanding health center hours of operation to make it easier for people who work later shifts or face childcare or transportation issues to access primary care.

Meeting the opioid treatment and recovery needs of rural communities: Opioid use disorder is particularly concerning in rural communities and accessing treatment can be challenging due to geographic isolation, transportation barriers, and limited substance use disorder providers. In support of President Biden’s Unity Agenda, HRSA launched a Rural Opioid Treatment and Recovery Initiative to support establishing and expanding comprehensive substance use disorder treatment and recovery services in rural areas, including by increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder, such as buprenorphine.

The President’s Budget invests in:

  • Creating more access to treatment in rural communities for people to receive medications such as buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder and get recovery supports.
  • Supporting rural community activities such as mobile units providing medication for opioid use disorder and integration of this treatment into rural primary care settings.
  • Integrating supportive services—such as food access, housing support and employment training and opportunities, transportation to treatment, and other social determinants of health.
  • Expanding the rural substance use disorder workforce, including clinical providers and peer support professionals who help individuals find and sustain a path to recovery.

Growing the health care workforce: The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis has identified current projected shortages through 2035 in a wide range of health care occupations. At the same time, many training curricula and models for training health professionals, particularly in medicine, remain unchanged from decades ago; they do not fully leverage the technology available today. HRSA is committed to growing the health care workforce by funding new, leading-edge health profession education and training models and expanding the supply of health care professionals in underserved and rural areas.

The President’s Budget invests in:

  • Providing scholarships and loan repayment to over 24,000 clinicians, nurses, and health professionals to provide health care in underserved and rural areas.
  • Making it possible for more than 1,800 medical and dental residents to work and train in underserved and rural communities.
  • Seeding new approaches to recruit and grow the health care workforce and deliver a more modern, robust, and diverse workforce pipeline.

Transforming the Organ Matching System to Better Serve Patients and Families: HRSA oversees the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), which was established by Congress nearly four decades ago and consists of a comprehensive network of transplant professionals and community members charged with increasing organ donation and operating and overseeing a fair and accountable system for allocating and transplanting organs in the United States. Across the nearly 40-year history of the OPTN, all functions of the OPTN have been managed by a single vendor and not competed separately based on technical expertise in areas like IT or operations. In 2023, Congress adopted the Administration’s proposal to update the decades-old statute, including allowing HRSA to make multiple different contract awards to benefit from best-in-class vendors in different areas to improve performance and innovation. Congress also adopted HRSA’s proposal to require the OPTN Board of Directors support contract be distinct from OPTN operations support contractors to strengthen OPTN accountability and oversight. The new law also eliminated the arbitrary appropriation cap to support this work.

The President’s Budget invests in:

  • Doubling funding for the organ transplant system to increase competition and better serve the more than 100,000 people on the organ donor waitlist.

Read HRSA’s FY 2025 Congressional Budget Justification.