The new program aims to address social determinants of health and will have hospitals serve as community-based hubs, or regional leads, to direct strategy and coordinate the efforts of health care providers, community-based organizations (CBOs), and social service agencies within a designated rural community. Medicaid funds will support hub activities, such as leadership, data analysis, and management of community partnerships, and community partners may request funds to pay for additional space, purchase IT or other equipment, purchase a vehicle, or obtain new training for staff. Additional ToRCH funds will be available to reimburse CBO partners for approved health related social needs services identified in the ToRCH communities, such as supplemental health-related transportation, food and nutrition education, home-delivered medically appropriate meals, and housing remediation to address health risks, on a per-person, per-service basis. The first cohort of six hospitals will begin on July 1 of this year.