The Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020 provided states with additional funding for Medicaid allowing states to keep consumers continuously enrolled through the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE). In Pennsylvania, Medicaid enrollment has increased by almost 21 percent since March 2020. The Federal Government has committed to giving states a 60-day notice prior to ending the PHE. To date, that notice has not been received. DHS has also provided that the unwinding period following the end of the PHE has been extended from 6 months to a full year. It is anticipated the PHE will be renewed again in January 2023. To help prepare healthcare providers, enrollment assisters, and Medicaid consumers, representatives from the DHS Office of Incomes Maintenance, Medical Assistance Programs, the Office of Long-Term Living and Pennie have provided information on strategies to prepare for the end of the PHE. DHS has also recorded Medical Assistance and Long-Term Care Renewal Refresher Training. All three are available on DHS’s PHE Website.