The Wolf Administration last week began distribution of the seventh allotment of COVID-19 antigen test kits provided by the federal government to CLIA-certified institutions in Bucks, Juniata, Mercer and Somerset counties. This week the administration began distribution of the eighth allotment of COVID-19 antigen test kits to CLIA-certified institutions in Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Fulton and Jefferson counties. On Oct. 15, the Secretary of Health issued an Order to healthcare providers and facilities reinforcing that all antigen test results, both positive and negative, are required to be reported to the Department of Health (DOH). A patient with a positive antigen test result is considered a case and receives a complete case investigation and contact tracing. All entities conducting testing to identify SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, are required by law to report positive, inconclusive/indeterminate, and negative results to the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (PA-NEDSS) within 24 hours. All laboratory reporters must request a PA-NEDSS account if they do not already have one. For more information about the CLIA certificate and antigen test card reporting, reference the PADOH Health Advisory Network (HAN) Advisory: Guidance on Reporting Point of Care SARS-CoV-2 Test Results. For more information about the antigen tests, reference the PA HAN Advisory: Point of Care Antigen Test Use and Interpretation.