COVID-19 Vaccination Update

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) is managing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines that will be received from the federal government. Providers can access the COVID-19 Vaccine Providers page on the DOH website for the most up-to-date information available. The state is expected to receive the Pfizer vaccines the week of Dec. 15 and the Moderna vaccine the week of Dec. 22. On a call last week, Tom McCleaf, Director, Division of Immunizations, DOH Bureau of Communicable Diseases, noted that the distribution phase 1A will cover all health care providers, or about one percent of the population. Phase 1A does not equate to week one. Pfizer vaccine comes in packages of 975 doses and requires extreme cold for storage. It is recommended that providers review their application:

·     If you have not already done so, submit a COVID-19 Vaccine Administration application to DOH to be eligible to administer the vaccine if you are interested in doing so

·     Visit the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) website, an excellent resource for providers

·     Review the document Interim Recommendations for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine

·     Develop your plan for testing staff based on the guidance