ERS Shares Research on the Widening Gap in Urban-Rural Mortality

The Economic Research Service (ERS) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture analyzed natural-cause mortality data for adults aged 25-54 from two three-year periods – 1999 through 2001 and 2017 through 2019.  Researchers found that the mortality rate from natural causes such as chronic disease and cancer in rural areas was only 6 percent higher than for city dwellers during the first period, but the gap widened to 43 percent by 2019.

Read more.

New Brief: Partnerships to Address Social Needs across Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Prospective Payment System Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals

This policy brief used American Hospital Association (AHA) survey data to examine partnerships between hospitals and external organizations to address social needs. Hospitals were stratified by rurality (metropolitan or non-metropolitan) and type—prospective payment system (PPS) or critical access hospital (CAH) as well as by region, ownership status and accountable care organization (ACO) participation. We calculated a partnership score for all hospitals reflective of the number of types of partnerships and the number of ways that hospital partner to address social needs with scores ranging from 0 to 48. We also assessed what types of specific partnerships hospitals indicated.  Key findings are noted below:

  • The highest mean community partnership scores were seen in metropolitan PPS hospitals (24.0), followed by non-metropolitan PPS hospitals (20.4) and CAHs (16.8).
  • Except for non-metropolitan PPS hospitals in the West, the Northeast had the highest mean partnerships across hospital types.
  • Regardless of geography or type (CAH or PPS), non-profit hospitals and those participating in ACOs had higher mean partnership scores.

Most hospitals had partnerships with state and local agencies, though compared to other types of hospitals, a higher proportion of metropolitan PPS hospitals had partnerships with organizations that address specific social needs (e.g., food insecurity).

Authors:  Whitney E. Zahnd, PhD; Khyathi Gadag, MHA; Kristin D. Wilson, PhD, MHA; Keith J. Mueller, PhD

Contact Information: Lead Author: Whitney Zahnd, PhD;

Brief Published on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Rural Communities: Perspectives from Key Informant Interviews

In this brief from the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research center, respondents from advocacy and support organizations identified challenges faced by rural victims across six themes: 1) lack of access to IPV related support services and health care, 2) knowledge and competency limitations among professionals providing services to IPV victims, 3) insufficient resources to meet basic needs, 4) harmful attitudes and norms, 5) detrimental policies and systems, and 6) intersecting risks for IPV victims who belong to marginalized or at-risk groups (e.g., those who are pregnant/postpartum, immigrants, BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, and People of Color], and/or LGBTQ+ [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning]).

Read the full report here.

Study Published on the Effects Of Medicaid Expansions on Coverage, Prenatal Care, and Health among American Indian/Alaska Native Women

In a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, researchers examined how expansions for state Medicaid for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women were associated with health insurance, prenatal care, health conditions, and birth outcomes. They found Medicaid expansions increased the proportion of AI/AN women reporting healthcare coverage, had no effects on the first-trimester prenatal care usage or birthweight of AI/AN women, and mixed evidence of increased rates of pre-pregnancy chronic conditions after expansions.

Read the full report here.

Research Released on Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Communities

This policy brief  from the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center describes findings from interviews with key informants from IPV victim support and advocacy organizations, shedding light on distinct challenges faced by rural victims and survivors. It also highlights targeted opportunities for better supporting the health and safety of rural IPV victims and survivors.

Read the full article here.

Report to Congress from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Evaluating FFS Payments

A report to Congress from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) evaluates Medicare’s fee-for-service payments to providers, the Medicare Advantage and the Part D Prescription Drug Program, special needs plans for beneficiaries who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and the new Rural Emergency Hospital provider designation.

Read the full report here.

Commission Reports to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP

Also known as MACPAC, the non-partisan Medicaid and CHIP Payment Advisory Commission conducts analysis and makes recommendations to Congress about policies affecting Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).  In the first of two reports required for 2024, MACPAC focuses on ways to increase Medicaid beneficiaries’ participation in policymaking, how to make the denials and appeals process in Medicaid Managed Care more transparent, and provides analysis of allotments to states for Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospitals.

Read the full report here.

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Postpartum Abuse Screening Among Rural US Residents who Gave Birth 2016-2020

The University of Minnesota describes rates of self-reported intimate partner violence among rural residents before or during pregnancy, and the frequency by which different racial or ethnic groups are not screened for abuse after giving birth. Uses 2016-2020 data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), a population-based surveillance survey. Features statistics with breakdowns by race or ethnicity.

Read the full report here.