Rural Health Information Hub Latest News

Expanded Telehealth Benefits for Medicare Beneficiaries During COVID-19 Outbreak

On March 17, 2020, the Trump Administration today announced expanded Medicare telehealth coverage that will enable beneficiaries to receive a wider range of healthcare services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility. Beginning on March 6, 2020, Medicare—administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)—will temporarily pay clinicians to provide telehealth services for beneficiaries residing across the entire country.

To read the Fact Sheet on this announcement visit

To read the Frequently Asked Questions on this announcement visit:

This guidance, and earlier CMS actions in response to the COVID-19 virus, are part of the ongoing White House Task Force efforts. To keep up with the important work the Task Force is doing in response to COVID-19 click here For information specific to CMS, please visit the Current Emergencies Website.

Message from PA Oral Health Coalition about COVID-19

The PA Coalition for Oral Health (PCOH) has releaesd a statement on oral health services during the COVID-19 pandemic:

“As Pennsylvania has been justifiably proactive in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts, the PA Coalition for Oral Health supports the state issuing directives to the dental community immediately to initiate ’emergency treatment only’ policies. Stopping the spread of this virus and protecting the health and safety of patients, their family members, and dental professionals is our first priority.”

Click here to read the full message.

CDC Update for Rural Communities on the COVID-19 Disease Response

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has put together a special program for RURAL providers and stakeholders for an update on the COVID-19 response. Registration is required by linking here.

Date: Monday, March 23, 2020
Time: 1:00 p.m. ET
Presenter: Dr. Jay Butler (Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases)

Dr. Butler will share guidance with partners, public health practitioners, healthcare providers, and others working to protect the health of rural communities. He will describe what CDC knows at this point and what CDC is doing in response to this outbreak. We will also have time for questions and answers.

Please email to submit questions in advance and indicate that questions are for the 3/23 call.

This event will be recorded. Questions not answered during it may be sent to


Need Help with Health Insurance or Benefits in the Midst of the Crisis? PHAN Can Help!

Need help with health insurance or benefits in the midst of the crisis?

Call PHAN’s Helpline at 877-570-3642

The response to COVID-19 is changing rapidly. Many counties in our state are requiring tele-working, closing childcare centers, and more. All K-12 schools are closed, and Governor Wolf recently ordered the closing of all non-essential businesses for the next two weeks.

This means that many Pennsylvania residents will start to worry about things like health insurance, paychecks, utilities, housing, bills, and other things that could affect our families’ health and financial well-being.  That’s why PHAN is offering their helpline to make sure folks get connected with appropriate programs:

Call PHAN’S Helpline at 877-570-3642 with questions!

“Low Income Levels” Used for Various Health Professions and Nursing Programs Authorized in Titles III, VII, and VIII of the Public Health Service Act

February 24, 2020


HRSA is updating income levels used to identify a “low income family” for the purpose of determining eligibility for programs that provide health professions and nursing training to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. These various programs are authorized in Titles III, VII, and VIII of the Public Health Service Act.

Read more

What’s the bare-minimum income a Pennsylvania household of four needs to survive? Try nearly $60,000 a year.

To survive in Pennsylvania, a family of four needs to make $59,340 a year — a hard-to-fathom, sticker-shock number that shows how expensive life has become.

That’s the finding of a recently released report by Harrisburg-based United Way of Pennsylvania.

Continue reading “What’s the bare-minimum income a Pennsylvania household of four needs to survive? Try nearly $60,000 a year.”

Comments Requested: PTAC Proposal on Remote Specialist Care

Comments Requested:  PTAC Proposal on Remote Specialist Care – October 1.  ThePhysician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) requests public comment on a proposal for a new payment model that would create either Regional Referral Centers (RRCs) or a single National Referral Center (NRC) to provide remote specialists and experts for most health issues. The specialists would support field providers such as visiting nurses, community providers, PCPs, or hospital doctors and would serve any geographic location. Comments can be emailed to with the subject line “Public Comment – [name of document].”

Read the document here:


Good Oral Health a Positive Part of the Ageing Process

The world’s population is ageing, and experts predict that by 2050, 25% of the world’s population – 2 billion people – will be over 60 years old. A fifth of these – 400 million – will be over 80 years old. Epidemiological studies show that older persons are particularly affected by poor oral health, with negative consequences on their general health. Oral conditions such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, dry mouth or oral cancer affect their chewing function and nutritional intake, as well as their ability to interact socially.

Continue reading “Good Oral Health a Positive Part of the Ageing Process”