Rural Health Information Hub Latest News

What Ag Producers Need to Know About COVID19

From the AgriSafe Network

This webinar took place on March 23, 2020 and highlights evidence-based information about COVID19 to help agricultural producers identify strategies for responding on their farm. The intended audience is ag producers, ranchers, farmers, farmworkers, veterinarians, Extension personnel, rural health care providers, and others who work in agriculture. The webinar is available OnDemand!

At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Be aware of common signs and symptoms of COVID-19
  • Understand the transmission risk to yourself, employees, and potentially your animals
  • Describe infection control principles and appropriate strategies for limiting disease transmission
  • Locate resources and training for ag producers related to infection prevention.
View the Recording Here

Pennsylvania Guidance on Hospitals’ Responses to COVID-19: Updated April 2, 2020

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (Department) has received questions and requests for guidance from hospitals, health systems, and their representatives on their responses to Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) and whether measures being implemented or contemplated are compliant with the statutory and regulatory requirements under the jurisdiction of the Department.  The Department is providing the guidance as an update to the guidance issued on March 21, 2020.

UPDATED Guidance on Hospital Responses to COVID-19



Pockets of Rural America Are Less Vulnerable to Economic Fallout — For Now

Daily Yonder

Every part of the country will feel the economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis. But the small and isolated rural areas that lagged during the economic boom may fare better, relatively speaking, in the aftermath of the pandemic.

Those places tend to be less tied to global and financial markets. With little population density, they are less conducive to virus transmission. So far, states such as Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska and Iowa have reported far fewer COVID-19 cases than New York and other states with large cities.

“If you are a somewhat more isolated economy that does not attract as much visitation from either outside the U.S. or even domestically, you are less vulnerable,” said Adam Kamins, an economist and director at Moody’s Analytics, in a webinar last month.

The states least affected by the huge spike in unemployment claims are largely rural. They include West Virginia, Arkansas and Georgia. In part, that’s because those states have taken less dramatic steps to slow the spread of the virus. Among them, only West Virginia issued a stay-at-home order before the end of March.

Nevertheless, “the industries that have been hard hit are just not as prevalent in rural areas,” said Ernie Goss, an economics professor at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He cited the relative lack of retail and hospitality businesses in Corn Belt states.

Economists rank regions as economically vulnerable to coronavirus fallout based on demographic and economic factors, including their number of COVID-19 cases, connection to international travelers, reliance on tourism, population density and reliance on global trade, according to a Moody’s Analytics analysis.

Read more.

171 Rural Counties Report First Case of COVID-19 in Past Four Days

Daily Yonder

Coronavirus Infection Rate, April 5

The novel coronavirus continued its march across rural America over the weekend. By Sunday night, April 5, two-thirds of rural counties had at least one case. Just over 200 rural counties have reported a death attributable to COVID-19.

The map above shows the spread of the virus and deaths as of Sunday night, April 5. Click on individual counties for more information, or explore a larger version of the map here.

  • Green: Rural counties with no cases (665 counties)
  • Orange: Rural counties with cases of COVID-19 (1,109 counties)
  • Red: Rural counties with deaths (203 counties)
  • Pink: Urban with no cases (61 counties)
  • Gray: Urban with cases (575 counties)
  • Black: Urban with deaths (528 counties)

These figures likely under-report the presence of the disease, according to a study by researchers at the University of Texas. They estimate that even in counties that report no COVID-19 cases, there is a 9 percent chance that the virus is present in that community.

If a county has one case, the Texas researchers predict that there is a 51 percent chance that the virus is spreading through the community.

From April 1 to 5, an additional 172 rural counties reported a case of coronavirus infection. Only 665—or about a third—of rural counties have yet to report a case of COVID-19. Only 61 urban counties—5 percent of all metro counties—say they have yet to find a COVID-19 case.

The number of reported COVID-19 cases continues to increase slightly faster in rural counties than in urban areas. Over the weekend (Friday through Sunday, April 3-5), cases in rural counties increased by 26 percent. Nationally, COVID-19 cases increased by 22 percent in the same time period.

In rural counties, there were 80 deaths reported over the weekend attributed to COVID-19.

‘Being From A Small Town, You Think It’s Not Going To Touch Us’: Rural America Unprepared For Fast-Spreading Virus

Parts of rural America aren’t seeing the booms like in New York, D.C., and other urban areas, but cases in those parts of the country are now speeding up. Yet, more remote areas also tend to be the places that are already struggling in terms of what their health systems can bear.

Click here to see maps from the New York Times on the spread of COVID-19 in rural America.

National Labor Exchange Launches Job Resource to Support Displaced Workers during Coronavirus Pandemic

Nonprofits DirectEmployers Association and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), announced the launch of, a job site dedicated to providing a centralized location for displaced workers to access employment opportunities from U.S. corporations with immediate hiring needs due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Powered by the National Labor Exchange (NLx), the site houses jobs from vetted employers in all industries and provides an opportunity for Americans to return to work and gain meaningful employment. contains over 400,000 job openings and continues to grow daily. While many employers are downsizing their staff, others are significantly increasing their hiring efforts due to current demands. Through this initiative, DirectEmployers and NASWA will assist in bridging the gap between job supply and demand by offering an easy way for job seekers to gain access to current open positions and for employers to fill positions quickly and efficiently during these difficult times.

Trends in Opioids Prescribed at Discharge From Emergency Departments Among Adults: United States, 2006–2017

This report examines trends in emergency department (ED) discharge opioid prescribing for adults from 2006–2007 through 2016–2017. It provides data by selected patient and hospital characteristics and the type of opioids prescribed. Table 1 includes data on the percent of ED patients prescribed an opioid at discharge by location of patient residence for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Read more here.

The Rural Opportunity Map

This resource is a mapping and data analysis focused on rural communities. It includes a gallery of maps addressing various issues, including maps currently in beta focused on rural healthcare trends, hospital closures, and rural definitions. Find more information here.

Public Transportation: Enhanced Federal Information Sharing on Coordination Could Improve Rural Transit Services

This report details the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) efforts in improving rural public transit coordination and identifies areas for improvement. It highlights some of the challenges affecting the FTA’s ability to effectively coordinate transportation for rural and tribal areas. Read the overview here. Read the full report here: Full Report

Patients’ Experiences in CAHs: HCAHPS Results, 2018

This report provides results from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey for calendar year 2018. It summarizes reporting rates and performance among all U.S. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It includes detailed tables that allow state-by-state comparison of response rates and overall CAH performance. Read more here.