Rural Health Information Hub Latest News

Waived and Suspended Pennsylvania Licensing Regulations

Due to the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”), additional healthcare practitioners are still needed to treat ill Pennsylvanians. This need may extend beyond the capacity of the professionals currently licensed by Pennsylvania’s health-licensing boards. To increase the available number of practitioners, the Department of State requested a suspension from Governor Wolf to several provisions that create barriers to temporary licensure. The following list provides information on extensions for healthcare professionals that were published in December 2020. Click here for a complete list.

Nearly 8 Million Americans Have Fallen into Poverty Since the Summer

The U.S. poverty rate has surged over the past five months, with 7.8 million Americans falling into poverty, the latest indication of how deeply many are struggling after government aid dwindled. The poverty rate jumped to 11.7 percent in November, up 2.4 percentage points since June, according to new data released Wednesday by researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Notre Dame. Read more.

Flu Activity in Pennsylvania Low to Date

Across Pennsylvania a total of 767 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases have been reported to date in 49 counties. The percent of outpatient visits associated with influenza-like illness has been low and is still below the state epidemic threshold. A total of 17 influenza associated hospitalizations and six deaths have been reported in Pennsylvania during the current flu season. Social distancing and wearing of masks–key elements of the COVID-19 strategy–are believed to be factors in the low flu rate. The confirmed influenza laboratory tests received by the PA DOH Surveillance will be updated when numbers per county increase to a level that protects the confidentiality of the patients’ health information. For more information, visit the 2020/2021 Influenza Season Data page.

New Studies Highlight FQHC Work During COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published two studies on health centers’ operations during COVID-19. One presents health centers’ high rate of testing racial and ethnic minority groups, highlighting the role health centers have played in providing testing to communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and their greater work towards overcoming structural inequities. The other study discusses health centers’ adoption of telehealth during the pandemic. Both demonstrate health centers’ vital work on the frontlines since the pandemic began.

COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Added to State Medicaid Program Fee Schedule

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Office of Medical Assistance Programs has issued a new MA Bulletin 01-20-59 to inform Medical Assistance (MA) providers that the Department of Human Services (DHS) added Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes 0001A, 0002A, 0011A and 0012A to the MA Program Fee Schedule for the administration of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, effective Dec. 1, 2020.

HHS Proposes Big Changes to HIPAA

The federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) has proposed sweeping changes to HIPAA to remove barriers to value-based care, give patients more control over their data and support contact tracing. Plans and providers could use health data much more broadly if it is for care coordination and case management. The proposed changes would also make it easier to do contact tracing for COVID-19, loosening the rules about disclosing information during emergencies, facilitating greater coordination among health companies and family and caregiver involvement. Learn more.

Pennsylvania Health Department Says Demographics Are Key Part of Laboratory Submission Forms

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) published a new Health Alert Update. DOH continues to identify many laboratory test results submitted without key variables including patient date of birth, address, and telephone number. These demographic fields are essential for correct jurisdiction assignment and for the timely initiation of case investigations, particularly related to COVID-19 exposures. Providers should always include patient name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and race and ethnicity information when completing the laboratory submission/requisition form for patients. If this information is not included on the laboratory submission/requisition form, the ordering facility should enter these demographic elements into PA-NEDSS as mandated under PA Code, Title 28, Chapter 27. Click here to access all of the 2020 health advisories, alerts, and updates.

COVID-19 Public Testing Information

The Pennsylvania Department of Health updated its website with information on the COVID-19 public testing information. Beginning Sunday, Dec. 27, drive-thru and indoor walk-in testing clinics will be held in the following counties: Clearfield and Juniata. Beginning Sunday, Dec. 27, drive-thru testing clinics will be held in the following counties: Beaver, Potter, and Schuylkill. No appointment is necessary. Testing is on a first-come, first-serve basis and is completely free to all patients. Patients must be ages three and older and are not required to show symptoms of COVID-19 in order to be tested. Up to 450 patients can be tested per day. Mid-nasal passage swab PCR tests will be performed. Patients are encouraged to bring a photo-ID or insurance card. Registration will also be completed on-site. The turnaround time for testing results is two to seven days after testing.

Pennsylvania Publishes COVID-19 Treatment Drugs and Biologics FAQs

The Pennsylvania Department of Health on Dec. 24 published COVID-19 and Treatment Drugs and Biologics Frequently Asked Questions. For a product to be widely used to treat COVID-19, it must either be licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or have received an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). A product that has received an EUA is considered investigational, meaning that studies using the treatment are ongoing. While the product has been reviewed and can be used to treat persons with COVID-19, it is not licensed by the FDA. The term investigational is different from experimental. Experimental refers to treatments provided as part of a defined clinical trial. The FAQs provide information about drugs and biologics that have either been authorized under an EUA or licensed by the FDA. The document is separated by some introductory questions and then by the name of the drug or biologic to provide more detailed information. Substantive changes are shown in red font.