Rural Health Information Hub Latest News

COVID-19 Brazil Variant on the Rise in U.S.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that cases of the COVID-19 variant first detected in Brazil are on the rise in the United States. According to the data released last Thursday, there are 434 reported cases of the P.1 variant across 28 jurisdictions. According to the CDC, this variant detected first in the United Kingdom is now the most dominant strain of the virus in the U.S. That variant spreads more easily and can cause more spikes in infections.

U.S. Suicide Rate Drops Contrary to Pandemic Predictions

The number of U.S. suicides fell nearly six percent last year amid the coronavirus pandemic — the largest annual decline in at least four decades, according to preliminary government data. Death certificates are still coming in and the count could rise. But officials expect a substantial decline will endure, despite worries that COVID-19 could lead to more suicides. It is hard to say exactly why suicide deaths dropped so much, but one factor may be a phenomenon seen in the early stages of wars and national disasters, some experts suggested. Read more.

Axios: America Might Be Close to Hitting a Vaccine Wall

There are growing signs that parts of the country may be close to meeting demand for the coronavirus vaccine — well before the U.S. has reached herd immunity. For the last few months, the primary focus of the U.S. has been getting shots to everyone who wants them, as quickly as possible. Soon, that focus will abruptly shift to convincing holdouts to get vaccinated.

PA-HAN Update on Infection Prevention & Control for COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings

This HAN Update provides comprehensive information regarding infection prevention and control for COVID-19 in healthcare settings and replaces PA-HAN-524. Major additions and edits in this version (compared to HAN 524) include:

  • Edited language to emphasize that to be effective, facemasks and cloth face coverings must be well-fitting.
  • The addition of options for screening patients, visitors, and healthcare personnel (HCP) upon entry to the healthcare facility.
  • The recommendation to utilize universal use of eye protection for all patient care encounters now excludes facilities located in areas with minimal to no community transmission. Applicable definitions are provided at the end of the Update.
  • The addition of clarifying language to indicate that the prevention measures indicated for persons with COVID-19 are also indicated for persons on quarantine.
  • Respirators are recommended for care of persons with COVID-19. Language suggesting the use of facemasks if respirators are not available has been removed.

If you have questions about this guidance, please contact DOH at 1-877-PA- HEALTH (1-877-724-3258) or your local health department.

We’re in a Race between Variants and Vaccinations

Hesitancy is a growing concern for all of us in the race of the vaccines versus the COVID-19 variants. We need to maintain maximum acceleration of the vaccine rollout, particularly as we once again witness a growing case count and hospitalization rate. What strategies and tools has your health center found to be effective in convincing the “moveable middle?” Are more of your own health center staff choosing to be vaccinated? Let us know! Here are some resources you might find helpful:

GAO Report on Federal Response to the Pandemic 

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) researches Federal government operations and reports fact-based, non-partisan information. Over the last year, the GAO made 44 specific recommendations for an effective federal response to COVID-19 and provides and update on progress in this report. Information specific to rural areas, such as distributions from the Provider Relief Fund and special funding for telehealth, is detailed throughout.

CDC Community Health Workers for COVID Response 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will make 70 awards with total funding of $300 million for the training and deployment of community health workers in geographic areas experiencing health disparities. Priority populations are those with increased prevalence of COVID-19, including rural areas, racial and ethnic minority groups, and those who are economically disadvantaged. Applications are due May 24, 2021.