The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) temporarily increases the generosity of subsidies available on Marketplace plans for consumers earning up to 400% FPL. It also provides maximum subsidies and cost-sharing reductions to people who have been approved for unemployment for any week during 2021. At present, states using whose customers were enrolled in an ACA plan prior to April must return to request the new, higher subsidies. However, starting in September, CMS will automatically begin providing the higher premium tax credits (PTCs) amounts to consumers who have yet to update their information on However, CMS will not automatically adjust plans to reflect the larger cost-sharing reductions, so consumers are still encouraged to return to the Marketplace and access the benefits. Pennsylvania’s state-based marketplace, Pennie, has already completed automatic reduction for customers as of July 6, 2021. Pennie customers should have received information from Pennie and their current health insurance plan with the new premium tax credit calculations and lower premiums.