At least 5.6 Million people in 48 states and DC have been disenrolled from Medicaid since April 1, 2023, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker. Overall, 37% of people with a completed renewal were disenrolled in reporting states while 63%, or 9.2 million enrollees, had their coverage renewed (three of the reporting states do not provide data on renewed enrollees). Across all states with available data, 73% of all people disenrolled had their coverage terminated for procedural reasons. Of the people whose coverage has been renewed as of Sept. 5, 2023, 53% were renewed on an ex parte basis while 47% were renewed through a renewal form. Pennsylvania is reporting 185,000 Medicaid disenrollments due to the unwinding, with 44% of those for procedural reasons and 56% determined ineligible; 25% of those disenrolled are children and 75% are adults. Pennsylvania has a very low ex-parte renewal rate of 12% and an 88% renewal rate via the form. The Department of Human Services is processing some ex-parte renewals manually.