- Rural America Faces Growing Shortage of Eye Surgeons
- NRHA Continues Partnership to Advance Rural Oral Health
- Comments Requested on Mobile Crisis Team Services: An Implementation Toolkit Draft
- Q&A: What Are the Challenges and Opportunities of Small-Town Philanthropy?
- HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson, Joined by Co-Chair of the Congressional Black Maternal Health Caucus Congresswoman Lauren Underwood, Announces New Funding, Policy Action, and Report to Mark Landmark Year of HRSA's Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces $60 Million Investment for Adding Early Morning, Night, and Weekend Hours at Community Health Centers
- Volunteer Opportunity for HUD's Office of Housing Counseling Tribe and TDHE Certification Exam
- Who Needs Dry January More: Rural or Urban Drinkers?
- Rural Families Have 'Critical' Need for More Hospice, Respite Care
- States Help Child Care Centers Expand in Bid To Create More Slots, Lower Prices
- Rural Telehealth Sees More Policy Wins, but Only Short-Term
- Healing a Dark Past: The Long Road To Reopening Hospitals in the Rural South
- Study: Obstetrics Units in Rural Communities Declining
- Q&A: Angela Gonzales (Hopi), on New Indigenous Health Research Dashboard
- Not All Expectant Moms Can Reach a Doctor's Office. This Kentucky Clinic Travels to Them.
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Publishes Unwinding Numbers
The DHS Unwinding Renewal Tracker records 1,322,553 individuals listed as the Total Maintained Population during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency continuous coverage period. This is the total number of individuals who would have been ineligible or did not return a renewal and had their Medicaid coverage maintained between March 2020 and March 2023. The Tracker also breaks down information by zip code, age group, and county. As of April, for the Maintained Population, 77,129 completed renewal packets with 1,245,424 yet to have a renewal completed. Of the 77,129 renewals, 7,908 were closed and 69,221 remained eligible for Medical Assistance. Closures were due to consumers being determined ineligible based on information provided, failure to return documentation, and enrolling in Pennie. For the entire Medicaid population, 3,708,405 recipients were enrolled in Medicaid, 28,366 were newly enrolled and 15,560 were closed, indicating enrollment increased despite closures. The number of individuals who were eligible for Medicaid in the previous month and maintained coverage in the current month was 3,680,039.
Federal Legislators Move Language Requiring 340B Reporting
The House Energy & Commerce Committee also acted on 340B, approving HR 3290, a bill that would impose 340B reporting requirements on disproportionate share hospitals. The bill permits but does not require, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to extend these requirements to other covered entities (CEs), such as FQHCs. The committee also added and approved language requiring CEs who retain 340B savings on Medicaid MCO drugs to report the amount of these savings to HHS. This marks the first time that a Congressional committee has voted to impose 340B reporting requirements on any covered entities. The committee also approved Medicaid-related language that allows states to decide whether CEs can retain 340B savings on drugs reimbursed under Medicaid managed care – at least for in-house pharmacies.
Pennsylvania Governor’s Administration Strengthens Mental Health Parity Review for 2024 Health Plans
Pennsylvania Acting Insurance Commissioner Michael Humphreys announced the Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) has strengthened its review of mental health and substance use disorder coverage in 2024 health plans. Insurers under PID regulation must file their plans with the Department for approval. Now, for 2024 filings, PID is enhancing its compliance review of mental health and substance use disorder parity requirements to prevent potential violations before they have a chance to harm Pennsylvania consumers. PID pushed insurers to correct parity issues found during the large group and student health filing review process, resulting in insurers correcting 100% of the issues identified during the front-end product review. Some of the corrections included requiring insurers to remove session limits for rehabilitative and habilitative therapies when prescribed for mental health, and to provide clearer exclusions of cost-sharing or session limits for mental health services. For more information on the mental health and substance use disorder parity, or to file a complaint or ask a question, visit the department’s Bureau of Consumer Services at www.insurance.pa.gov/consumers or call 1-877-881-6388.
New Report Released on Dangers of Oral Health Home Remedies
The CareQuest Institute for Oral Health released a new visual report, “Dental Danger: Home Remedies to Avoid When Awaiting Care.” More than half of adults in the United States do not have consistent access to dental care and may resort to home remedies, which are not always safe. Unsafe home remedies include tobacco, pain medication prescribed for another purpose, illegal narcotics, a needle to lance a gum abscess, aspirin powder applied to the gums, and alcohol.
HRSA Comment Period: Make the Case for Oral Health
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has proposed transitioning the oral health national performance measure (NPM) to a state performance measure (SPM). Oral health has been an NPM since 1997. If oral health is transitioned to an SPM, it will no longer be a national priority, and efforts to promote oral health care at the national, state, and local levels will suffer.
Send your comments by e-mail to paperwork@hrsa.gov or by mail to Health Resources and Services Administration, Information Collection Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, MD 20857. In your communication, state that you are commenting on “Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant to States Program: Guidance and Forms for the Title V Application/Annual Report, OMB No. 0915–0172—Revision.”
The deadline to submit comments is July 5th.