Rural Health Information Hub Latest News

Sen. McSally Urges HHS to Provide Relief to Rural Health Care Providers Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic

Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) and 48 other Members of Congress are asking the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide relief quickly to rural health care providers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In their letter to Congress, Members cited the spike of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks and the increasing rate of infections across rural America. Infections are growing 13 percent faster in rural areas compared to 9 percent nationally, all the while rural hospitals continue to close. Before the crisis worsens, they are calling on Congress for relief through metrics such as a 20 percent Rural Benchmark in the Provider Relief Fund. Additionally, priority should be given to populations in areas with limited access to health infrastructure and high levels of uninsured patients.

New Podcast Series – Leadership Development for Mid-level Management

Produced by The National Rural Health Resource Center, this six-part podcast series was developed by the Small Rural Hospital Transition Project for rural hospital mid-level management (MLMs). Guests feature MLMs from rural hospitals and subject-matter experts. Tune in to learn best practices for leading through the transition to value and population health. New episodes released every Tuesday through the end of July. Find the podcast here.

The National Rural HIT Coalition 

The National Rural HIT Coalition is an informal network of rural and Health Information Technology (HIT) leaders from organizations at every level, working to advance implementation of HIT in rural areas.  The group meets by conference call several times a year and meeting notes with presentations on issues for rural HIT are archived by the National Rural Health Resource Center.

CMS Updates Guidance for RHCs and FQHCs during the Public Health Emergency

On July 6, CMS released its latest round of updates to the article, New and Expanded Flexibilities for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). CMS updated the article to provide additional guidance on telehealth services that have cost-sharing waived and additional claim examples along with an additional section on the RHC Productivity Standard. Find more information here.

Quality Measure Workspace Series of Webinars—Beginning July 15

CMS is hosting a series of webinars in July and August for hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals, and clinicians reporting electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM).  The first webinar will describe the resources available for the 2021 reporting period.  Subsequent webinars will cover clinical flow (July 29) and the data element repository (August 12). Find more information here.

Comments Requested: ESRD CY 2021 Proposed Rule –September 4

On July 6, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed updates to payment policies and rates under the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS) for CY 2021. The proposal includes an expansion of the transitional add-on payment adjustment for new and innovative equipment and supplies (TPNIES) to qualifying home dialysis machines to support greater access and innovation for dialysis in the home setting.  Proposed changes also include an ESRD base rate increase, updates to the outlier policy and adoption of new OMB delineations.  CMS projects that rural ESRD facilities will experience a 0.6 percent increase in their CY 2021 estimated payments.  The proposed rule is currently on display and was published in the federal register on July 13, 2020. Find more information here.